Ok, so that’s how I used
to feel about going to the gym and about Cross-training in general. Until
last summer, and the moment of truth: the first bikini try-on of the season. I
dug my triangle top and itty-bitty bottoms out of the drawer and shimmied into
my summertime uniform, hoping for the best. I was greeted by my old friends, flappy
arms and poky belly. What the heck, man?
At the time, I was averaging almost 40 miles a week out on
the trail and was in the best cardiovascular shape of my life. So why did I
still feel squishy, jiggly and not at ALL ready to strut my stuff at the pool?
Why? Mainly, I flat-out refused to cross-train or strength-train, leaving my legs in great shape from all that
running, but the rest of my body pretty neglected and flabby. Why did I
consistently skip the cross-training? Mostly because it’s not that fun and
partly because I’m ever–so-slightly addicted to running. If I’ve got an hour to
spare and the weather is even remotely OK, you can bet I’m not going to spend
that hour pumping iron or dancing in some dang Zumba class. You can find me in
the woods. For sure.
Unfortunately, as
I’ve learned, running and only
running doesn’t get you any closer to those Halle Berry arms you’ve always dreamed
of. Not only that, throwing in a little cross-training can really spice up your
routine, helping to prevent burnout and running-related injuries while strengthening
muscles all over. Not to mention, (gasp!) it is pretty fun. Sometimes. Here are
some of my favorite cross-training workouts; perfect for folks who would really
rather be running, but who also enjoy looking fierce in a strappy tank top.
Cycling. Cycling
is probably my favorite non-running workout. It’s a great low-impact choice for
those days when you want to blast some calories but need a day off from
pounding the pavement. Grab your mountain bike and head to the
beginner-friendly trails at Pocahontas State Park or go for a neighborhood ride
with the kiddos. Your bottom will probably
not love that bike saddle, but your legs will thank you and your brain will
love the change of pace and scenery.
Building muscles and toning your body all-over just makes you feel strong. Stronger as a runner and as a
human. Whether you use your own body weight, free weights or circuit-training
gym equipment, tossing a couple of these workouts into your weekly routine can
make you a leaner, fitter athlete. Strengthening your leg muscles can make you
less prone to annoying running injuries, and strengthening your upper body will
make you look buff. So that’s a win-win.
Yoga. I love
getting in a nice Yoga workout the day before a long run. It really gets the
kinks out while promoting flexibility and strengthening those upper-body
muscles that we runners tend to neglect. In our world of constant stimulation
and multitasking, it’s a gift to be able to unplug for an hour to be calm and
quiet, focused on your breath and on what’s going on in your body. That
calmness usually stays with me for the whole day after a good Yoga session;
plus, I typically have a more successful long run the next day if I take care
of that Zen stuff ahead of time.
Swimming. For me,
swimming is the toughest of all cross-training options. If I’m ever feeling
like I’m in pretty awesome shape, I’ll hit the pool for a few laps and a large slice
of humble pie. Usually within about 10 minutes, I’m hanging over the side of
the pool, trying to catch my breath and even a sliver of my pride. Along with
being one of the only major cardiovascular workouts that targets both the arms
and legs, swimming is great for practicing breath control and recovering the
day after your long run.
Group Exercise
Classes. I enjoy my solo hours out on the trail, but a high-energy
group-exercise class can be pretty sweet too. It’s nice to have someone else do
all the work-out planning; all you have to do is show up and be ready to work
hard and follow directions. Even I can
do that. During each class, I almost always find a new exercise that I love and
can incorporate into my solo workouts at home or at the gym.
Cross-training will probably always be a challenge for me; I
sometimes have to talk myself into going to Cycle class or picking up those
free-weights. A few times, I’ve been driving to the gym to get in some reps in
the weight-room, only to veer off and end up at the park because the trails were
calling my name. Yeah, probably just a mild
running addiction. But, we’re all a work in progress, so here’s to trying to focus on cross-training at
least a little; it is bathing suit-season,
after all.
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